Musee Archeologique, Tlemcen
(Click on image for high-quality PDF version)
- The symmetry group of the tiling is *442 (p4m).
- All the internal angles of the constituent polygons are a multiple of 4.5°.
- Contains two regular 8-pointed star polygons with vertex angle of 90°.
- Contains one regular 20-pointed star polygon with vertex angle of 36°.
- There are 15 non-regular reflective tiles (including 2 kites) and four reflective pairs.
- The tiling satisfies the interlace condition and has one finite interlace and three infinite interlaces with non-straight cross-overs.
- The tiling is edge-to-edge.
- As drawn, contains about 627 polygons.
Publications referenced:
- Photo from Art Archive (Geometric tile mosaic from the now destroyed madrasa founded by the Ziyanid sultan Abu Tashfin at Tlemcen, Algeria) of Not specific. Personal Communication, Information sent to the author, 21c. [pc]
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