Bourgoin, Plate 166
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- The symmetry group of the tiling is 2*22 (cmm).
- All the internal angles of the constituent polygons are a multiple of 12.85 (π/14)°.
- Contains two regular heptagons.
- Contains one regular 14-pointed star polygon with vertex angle of 51.42 (2π/7)°.
- There are 7 non-regular reflective tiles (including one kite) and one reflective pair.
- The tiling satisfies the interlace condition and has no finite interlace and three infinite interlaces with straight cross-overs.
- The tiling is edge-to-edge.
- As drawn, contains about 561 polygons.
Publications referenced:
- Vol 2, Figure 151 (Abd al-Ghani al-Fakhri mosque, Cairo, Egypt. Minbar) from [wahhab] (1418AD, 821AH)
- Photo by David Wade: EGY 1029 (al-Ashraf Barsbay, Cairo, Egypt) from [wadei] (1423AD, 826AH)
- Thesaurus Islamicus M178 (Zayn al-Din Yusuf, Cairo, Egypt. Qibla wall, minbar) from [pc] (1446AD, 849AH)
- Thesaurus Islamicus M2270 (al-Rifa'i mosque, Cairo, Egypt. Qibla wall, window in south side) from [pc] (1869-1910AD, 1286-1328AH)
- Fig 13.6b from [ww]
- Plate 166 from [bourgoin]
- Sprague Photo (Hanging Church, Cairo, Egypt) from [pc]
Collections of similar tilings