El-Said and Parman, Figure 55

T00362 = data13/F55
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Publications referenced:
  1. Fig 17 (a), page 11 (Mongolian design) of B Grünbaum and G C Shephard. Tilings and Patterns, W H Freeman, 1987. ISBN 071671193. [gands] {Most important work in this area.}
  2. Figure 55 (Location not known) of I El-Said and A Parman. Geometric concepts in Islamic Art, World of Islam Festival Publishing Co, 1976. ISBN 090503503. [elsaid] {Gives sources of several interesting patterns.}
  3. Similar to Plate 7 of J Bourgoin. Arabic Geometrical Pattern and Design, Dover, 1879. ISBN 048622924. [bourgoin] {Classical book of around 200 hand-produced patterns, in back and white.} Fuller version available on Internet.

