al-Rifa'i, West hall door

T01221 = data164/F6938
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Publications referenced:
  1. Internet photo Thesaurus Islamicus (al-Rifa'i mosque, Cairo, Egypt. West hall, west wall of mausoleum of Sheik Ali Abu Shibak, lower detail of door) of Not specific. Personal Communication, Information sent to the author, 21c. [pc] (1869-1910AD, 1286-1328AH)
  2. Photo by Ayman Soliman (al-Rifa'i mosque, Cairo, Egypt) of Not specific. Personal Communication, Information sent to the author, 21c. [pc] (1869-1910AD, 1286-1328AH)
  3. Fig 11.7a of Brian Wichmann and David Wade. Islamic Design: a Mathematical Approach, Springer, 2017. ISBN 978-3-319-69. [ww] {}
