Alhambra, Salon de Comares

T01267 = data166/P57
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Two motifs from the large dado, made into a repeating pattern. For another part of the dado from the North wall see Alhambra, Salon de Comares.



Publications referenced:
  1. Photo from Mirek Majewski (Tomb of Iwan Skwarcov, Warsaw, Poland) of Not specific. Personal Communication, Information sent to the author, 21c. [pc] (1851AD, 1267AH)
  2. Page 57, right (Alhambra, Salon de Comares, Spain. Top part taken) of Degeorge, G ́erard and Porter. The Art of the Islamic Tile, Paris, 2002. ISBN 208010876. [degeorge2] {}
  3. Plate 3 (b) and page 272 of S J Abas and A S Salman. Symmetries of Islamic Geometrical Patterns, World Scientific, 1995. ISBN 981021704. [abas] {Very many patterns in black and white, no sources given.}
