Tile Mosaic, V and A
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- Growth dynamic build of this pattern.
- Random dynamic build of this pattern.
- Structured dynamic build of this pattern.
- The symmetry group of the tiling is *442 (p4m).
- All the internal angles of the constituent polygons are a multiple of 7.5°.
- Contains one regular 8-pointed star polygon with vertex angle of 90°.
- Contains one regular 16-pointed star polygon with vertex angle of 45°.
- There are 12 non-regular reflective tiles (including 3 kites) and two reflective pairs.
- The tiling satisfies the interlace condition and has one finite interlace and one infinite interlace with straight cross-overs.
- The tiling is edge-to-edge.
- As drawn, contains about 912 polygons.
Publications referenced:
- 300-1870T (Granada, Spain. Tile, tin-glazed earthenware) of V&A collections website. Website: collections.vam.ac.uk, UK, 2015. [vami] {Website}(1330-1400AD, 730-802AH)
- Plate 68, From alicatado fragment (Colour as in the original, V and A 300-1870) of Anthony Ray. Spanish pottery, 1248-1898, London : V&A Publications, 2000. ISBN 185177291. [ray] {418 pages, colour and black and white}