Alaaddin Mosque

T01785 = data185/AJL19
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Publications referenced:
  1. From Tony Lee (Alaaddin Mosque, Konya, Turkey) of Not specific. Personal Communication, Information sent to the author, 21c. [pc] (1116-1237AD, 509-634AH)
  2. vol 2, page 258, Figure 255 (Imam Yahya, Mosul, Iraq) of Friedrich Sarre and Ernst Herzfeld. Archäologische reise im Euphrat..., Berlin, 1911-20. ISBN . [sarre] {}(1239AD, 636AH)
  3. Photo via Aslam Qureshi (Mosque, Qadi Yahya, Cairo, Egypt) of Not specific. Personal Communication, Information sent to the author, 21c. [pc] (1448-9AD, 852-3AH)

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