Mosaic floor, khanqa al-Ashraf Barsbay
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- The symmetry group of the tiling is *442 (p4m).
- All the internal angles of the constituent polygons are a multiple of 22.5°.
- Contains one square.
- Contains one regular octagon.
- There are two non-regular reflective tiles.
- The tiling satisfies the two-colour condition.
- The tiling is not edge-to-edge.
- As drawn, contains about 175 polygons.
Publications referenced:
- Page 251 (Sulayman Pasha, Cairo, Egypt. Floor pattern) of Bernard O'Kane. The Mosques of Egypt, AUC, Cairo, 2016. ISBN 978977416732. [okane2] {}(1528AD, 934AH)
- Vol 2, page 109 (al-Ashraf Barsbay, Cairo, Egypt. Mosaic floor, khanqa) of Hasan `Abd-al-Wahhab. Tarikh al-masajid al-athariyah, Cairo, 2 vols in Arabic, 1946. [wahhab] {The History of ancient Egyptian mosques}