San Loremco Fuori, Rome
(Click on image for high-quality PDF version)
- The symmetry group of the tiling is *X (cm).
- All the internal angles of the constituent polygons are a multiple of 45°.
- There are three non-regular reflective tiles.
- The tiling satisfies the two-colour condition.
- The tiling is not edge-to-edge.
- As drawn, contains about 405 polygons.
Publications referenced:
- Figure 3-19b (Cosmatesque mosaic, Rome, Italy) from [pajares]
- Page 6 (top left) from [cahier]
- Plate 54 from [racinet]
- Plate XXX (9) (Byzantine ornament San Loremco Fuori, Rome.) from [jones]
- page 74 (St Maria Maggiore, Rome, Italy. With slightly different colours, 431-1750) from [hessemer]