Frequently Asked Questions
1 Why small GIFs?
2 Why use PDF?
3 Why is colour ignored when determining the symmetry of a pattern?
4 Why no photographs?
5 Why degrees and not radians for angles?
6 The colours of some tilings are poor
7 Why so few mathematical tilings?
8 Why is the style of lines ignored when determining the symmetry of a pattern?
9 Why not use SVG?
10 How are the patterns produced?
11 Can I help?
12 Why can I find something with a string search?
A Revision record
I cannot pretend that I have a large database of questions to answer
here, but this format does provide a mechanism to explain some
design choices which may not be obvious.
1 Why small GIFs?
The response to a search query is bound to be a number of individual
tilings. Since the number could be quite large, and users may not
have a broadband connection to the Internet, small graphics must
be used. GIFs are slightly better than JPGs for this purpose.
The average size of the GIF's is 7Kb. Around 25 fit on a screen, so
that a visual inspection of around 100 tilings is feasible.
The small size of the GIFs means that the more complex patterns, such
as the large zellijs from the Alhambra (click on
this to see such a pattern), cannot be viewed adequately without going to
the PDF version. Hence the size is a compromise and providing an
option for large GIFs would be too complex.
2 Why use PDF?
High quality images can only be provided using vector graphics which
is supported by PDF. For one pattern, the same detail could not be
obtained from a 12Mb GIF. In contrast, the average size of a PDF file
is 7Kb (same as the small GIFs).
3 Why is colour ignored when determining the symmetry of a
Consider the pattern click on this to see the
pattern. If the colour was not ignored the pattern would be a
repetition of the merging of one yellow, red and green polygons.
Hence the rotation of order 6 would be lost. So a key aspect of
the structure of patterns would be lost.
4 Why no photographs?
The great majority of photographs that are available are from books
which could not be put on this site for copyright reasons. Also,
photos would take about 100 times the storage requirements. Lastly,
the geometric data about each tiling is produced by the program that
produces the graphics - producing this information from a photograph
would be a manual and error-prone task. Having links to photos stored
elsewhere on the Internet have now been added.
For many patterns, but not all, there is internal documentation which in
many cases, includes a photo. This material is not available on the
web site but can be requested from me.
5 Why degrees and not radians for angles?
Actually, the angles are held internally as p/q where
p and q are integers, being a multiple of 180 degrees.
It is felt that degrees is a more natural notation for most users. Note that the
comprehensive search only allows for angles in whole degrees or half degrees.
6 The colours of some tilings are poor
Agreed. Many of the colouring derive from [1] and will be redone
in due course. Ideally, for the Islamic patterns an actual colour
photograph should be used to produce matching colours. In general,
such photos are not available.
7 Why so few mathematical tilings?
There are several large sequences of mathematical tilings which could be
included. For practical reasons, these sequences need to be available
in a computer-readable format which can be converted by program to
the format used by the system here. Version 8 included over 100 tiling
of rectangles with polyominoes which is the first such specialised
collection to be added, see.
In Version 10, tilings are available showing the concept of perfect
colouring, see.
8 Why is the style of lines ignored when determining the
symmetry of a pattern?
Consider the pattern click on this to see the
pattern. Several of the reflections invert the up-and-over interlacing
and therefore would not then be a symmetry of the pattern. Hence the
structure of the patterns is best captured by ignoring the interlacing
line style.
9 Why not use SVG?
The standard for vector graphics could be used instead of PDF,
but this would be inappropriate since support for SVG is no where near
as good as that for PDF. Alternatively, the ability to output a vector
format for a pattern would be useful so that tools like Inkscape could be used to construct variants of an existing
pattern. Another vector format is CGM, but this is also poorly
supported. There is now a freely available tool that supports SVG,
and the generation of SVG is now used to show the dynamic build of a pattern.
10 How are the patterns produced?
Briefly, using my own software. I now have a means of producing documentation
which gives the details of construction as a PDF file. I do not plan to put
this material on the web site (except for one click on this to see the
example), but anybody requesting such documentation
can email me for a copy.
11 Can I help?
You can indeed! Probably the most helpful thing is to notify me if you spot
any mistakes. Comments are also welcome. Of course, photos of patterns that
you think are not included are particularly welcome. All contributions are
12 Why can I find something with a string search?
A string search facility was part of the comprehensive search
but cannot always locate
material for several reasons: spelling of place names is not consistent, the use of
unusual characters is not supported and the text available with a pattern is often
not adequate. The use of the publication search or the area lists
(see) may be more effective.
- [1]
B. A. Wichmann, The World of Patterns, CD and booklet. World
Scientific. 2001. ISBN 981-02-4619-6
(This publication has over 4,000 patterns but in a different format from
the on-line system.)
- [2]
Brian Wichmann and David Wade, Islamic Design: A Mathematical Approach. 2016.
ISBN 978-3-319-69977-6.
(This publication provides and overview of this web site and Patterns in Islamic Art.)